To create a T-shirt design using screen printing, you must first select the item to be printed. You need a flat surface to print on, which is why a flat surface is essential for this process. Next, you need to choose a screen and apply a layer of emulsion to it. This emulsion will protect the design from scratches, creases, and other distortions. After the ink dries, you will place an overlay over the screen and expose it to the light that is between the 350 and 420 nanometers.
Once you’ve selected the garment and design, you’ll need a screen printing press to print it onto the garment. There are several different kinds of screens available, but most printing companies use manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic presses. The manual press is the easiest to use, and can be found at most print companies, but there are more complicated machines available. Ultimately, you’ll need to choose the type of machine you need for your project.
After the screen is set, you can proceed to spread the emulsion over the custom design. Then, you’ll need to wait for it to dry. The emulsion will be very thick and goopy. After that, you’ll need to stand over the green goop and cackle a bit. Then, you’ll be ready to begin printing your new shirt. This is the most common method of screen printing for shirts and other items.
The screen is laid over the flat surface and the fabric or paint is poured on top of it. Then, you can use a roller or a squeegee to force the ink through the holes in the mesh. This will ensure that the ink transfers to the surface of the substrate without blocking it. In this way, you can create your custom t-shirt, without worrying about how much your design costs.
The most important piece of equipment for screen printing is a screen. A simple screen is just a piece of mesh stretched over a wooden frame. It is used to create an image by drawing a stencil on the mesh. To block the ink, some parts of the mesh will be covered with ink-blocking substance. This way, the image won’t be affected by the color of the mesh. This will help prevent a messy result.
Before screen printing, stencils must be created on the screens. These stencils can be original designs or ones that have been provided by a client. A blank screen will usually be used for creating stencils. A picture of the design that will be printed is usually laid under the screen. Then, the ink blocking substance is applied over the areas that ink or paint should not pass through. The screen is then rinsed to remove the emulsion and prepare for the next step.